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Gutenberg Awards - Print Media Contest Information

General Rules and Procedures

  1. No entry fee, but must be a GCEA member to apply.

  2. No more than fifteen (15) total entries from any educational institution during a single contest period (from July 1 through June 30 of the normal school year).

  3. Each entry must be registered online using the online registration form.

  4. Entries should be mounted on illustration board 22″ x 28″ or smaller, in an attractive manner. Larger boards will not be sent to the conference site. An entry form (use the form that is emailed to you once completing the online registration) must be securely attached to the front of each entry.

  5. Each project (product) may only be entered into one category. Entries submitted repeatedly in different categories will be selected by the judges for only one category and will be eliminated from other categories.

  6. The student should be responsible for 90% or more of the work.

  7. A brief outline of work completed and equipment used by the student should be part of the entry. Only one sample is necessary for entries.

  8. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, place awards will be made in each classification. All entries will receive a Gutenberg Award certificate.

  9. In the event of a tie, the judges may present duplicate awards in any category/classification.

  10. Best of Show awards are determined by the judges from all entries that receive a 1st place award. Best of Show winners will receive a medallion along with a certificate.

  11. Decision of the judges is final.

  12. Entries will not be returned by mail, unless prior arrangements have been made to pay for the mailing. The instructor may also pick up displays at the GCEA Annual Conference.

  13. Display of all entries will be at the GCEA Annual Conference.

Print Category Classifications

  • Single Color Printing (Including Black and White): These entries are examples of printing in a single color in any of the Press/Print categories, thus demonstrating the student’s skills. The sample will be scrutinized for ink coverage, ink density, blemish control, and setoff.

  • Spot Color Printing (2 or more Spot Colors): These entries are examples of printing in two or more spot colors in any of the Press/ Print categories, thus demonstrating the student’s skills. The sample will be scrutinized for register, ink coverage, ink density, and blemish control. The judges request a complete set of progressives.

  • Process Color Printing (CMYK): This classification of entries are examples of four, or more, color process work in any of the Press/Print categories, thus demonstrating the student’s skills. The sample will be scrutinized for register, ink coverage, ink density, blemish control, and setoff. The judges request a complete set of progressives.

  • Process Plus Spot Colors (CMYK Plus Additional Spot Colors): This classification of entries are examples of printing process colors (CMYK) in combination with one or more spot colors. The sample will be scrutinized for register, ink coverage, ink density, blemish control, and setoff. The judges request a complete set of progressives.

Educational Divisions

  • Secondary School

  • Community/Technical College

  • Post-Secondary University

Group Projects

Two or more students working on one entry will be considered a group project. For group projects, only one certificate will be awarded to the school. Additional certificates are available for $5.00 each.


  • Prepress/Electronic Design: These entries include documents, publications, and other products that have used computer systems to assemble text and/or graphics into a final presentation. The samples will be scrutinized for page layout and design difficulty, the use of graphics, typography, difficulty, and presentation. The judges request that only proofs be submitted, no finished pieces are necessary. Also, entries must be checked in the Electronic Publishing category.

  • Press/Print: These entries include examples of work

    • Offset Lithography

    • Relief (flexography, letterpress, etc.)

    • Screen: (paper, textile, and miscellaneous)

    • Specialty (gravure, pad, thermal transfer, etc.)

The sample will be scrutinized for register, ink coverage, ink density, blemish control, and setoff. The judges request a complete set of progressives for color work.

Award Categories

  • Best of Show: A certificate and medal will be awarded to each best of show. Best of Show awards are chosen by the judges from among all 1st place winners.

  • TopThree: Certificates will be awarded to the top three in each classification, representing each educational division and category.

  • Certificate of Merit: All other entries will receive a certificate of participation for entering the contest.

Please Note: One product may only be submitted in a single category
Deadline For Entries June 30

Ship To:

​Eric Weisenmiller
200 Godfrey Hall
Clemson, SC 29634


Contact Eric Weisenmiller

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